Parameters of the eruv:
Map - Printable - (last updated 01/2025)
Map - Google version (interactive)
Weekly sponsorships are available for $100: Sponsor The Eruv
Funding is also provided by the YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood, as part of its ongoing support for the community eruv.
Eruv Border Notes
**If the entrance to a building is in the eruv, then the building is in the eruv.**
The Mount Sinai - Heights Eruv is noted in Purple (left) in the map.
This eruv borders the YU eruv, indicated in blue (right) in the map.
YOU MAY CARRY BETWEEN the two eruvin.
Please visit for the details of the YU eruv.
The Mount Sinai Eruv has expanded in 2020 northward to include the YM & YWHA. The full map can be seen online.
The YU eruv expanded to include the Radio Hotel. The full map can be seen online.
Areas to be careful of in the Mount Sinai Eruv:
- The eruv has been extended past Broadway and Bennet to include the area between Nagle Ave and Hillside Ave until Ellwood.
- On Fort Washington north of 730 Ft Wash (the last building before the A TRAIN) you may walk ONLY on the WEST side of the street (alongside Javits Park). The traffic circle in front of Fort Tryon Park is OUT of the eruv.
- On Wadsworth, below 182nd Street, the eruv extends ONLY on the WEST (closer to the bridge) side of the street.
- You can cross Broadway on both sides of any street between 180th and 193rd, and ONLY on the NORTH SIDE of 179th
- On 181st Street, the eruv ends at the entrance to 867 W 181st St (between Cabrini and Haven). The rest of the street (going west), is outside the eruv.
- Fort Tryon Park is NOT IN the eruv.
- The stairs on Fort Washington that go down to the A train near the entrance to Fort Tryon Park ARE NOT IN the eruv. The park that they lead to is also not in the eruv.
Going to/from the YU Eruv
- For simplicity cross over between 183rd and 187th streets
Parks/Playgrounds in the eruv
- Bennett Park, on Fort Washington between 183rd and 185th, is in the eruv
- Javits Park, on the North-West corner of Cabrini and Fort Washington, is in the eruv. North of 730 Ft Wash (the last building before the A TRAIN), you should not walk on the east side of Fort Washington).
- Dolphin Park, on Cabrini between 180th and 181st, is in the eruv.
- The top part of Gorman Park (on Wadsworth Terrace) is in the eruv.
Please contact the eruv committee or the Rabbi with any questions regarding the boundaries of the eruv.
For Eruv Status:
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
Presidents' Day |
Shacharit : 8:30am |
Mincha/Maariv : 5:20pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 2 Chevra Kadisha Breakfast 2025 Sunday, Mar 2 9:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:19pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:21pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Mount Sinai Eruv - Up
Mount Sinai Eruv Checked By:
Upcoming Events
Mini Sinai Open House
Sunday, January 28th, 10:00am
Mount Sinai Blood Drive
February 1st, 5:30pm-10:00pm
Annual Wine and Cheese Night!
Saturday Night, February 3rd, 7:30pm
Couples vs Roommates Newlywed Game
Saturday Night, February 10th, 7:30pm
Panoply Reinvented!
Saturday Night, February 24th, 8:30pm
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