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Membership 2024 


Membership Rates and Application
Welcome to Mount Sinai's membership page.
We are excited to have you join our shul!


New Member Applications

Renewing Members Click Here



About Membership Dues 

Dues support approximately 30% of our operating budget to make sure the shul is here to support you. Some of those costs include the salaries of our rabbinic, office, and maintenance staff, utilities, insurance, and supplies for programs. 

Membership rates remain the same as last year. As shown in the chart above, dues per person are as follows: Professional $495 ($450 early bird), Senior $355 ($320 early bird), and Full-time student $175 ($160 early bird). Early bird discounts apply until January 2nd.

There are “pay what you wish” membership options as well as an optional 50% discount for new members. No one will be turned away from membership for financial reasons. It is more important for you to be a part of our community as a member, and contribute what you can, than to not become a member at all. We sincerely appreciate your support at whatever level you are able to give.  

If you have any questions about membership, or about the shul in general, feel free to contact the office at (212) 568-1900 or 

If you are new to the community or you would like to get to know some of your fellow community members better, email 

Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784